“Since it is not granted us to live long on this earth, it is logical to give our best and our most to something that will last eternally… souls!”
— Rev. Robert K. Rodenbush
God is calling and empowering people globally to do a great work in His kingdom! The mission of RKR training is to prepare laborers to fulfill the call of God on their lives, no matter where He sends them from or where He wants them to go.
Preparation at RKR involves the acquisition of head knowledge, heart knowledge and practical skills. The training programs at RKR are based on applying the blessing and first mission God gave man in Genesis 1:28 to the work of the Church: Be fruitful (win souls), multiply (make disciples), fill the earth (take the gospel to the world), subdue (spiritual warfare), and have dominion (establish the kingdom of God in an area through pastoring and organization).